Lost to Be Found

Music & Lyrics by Trulah

When breath first came to me

I cried as if to plead

I want to be loved, want to be loved by You

In mother's shoes I stole

I mimic what I know

Do I look like you, I want to be seen by you

With dad somewhere between

The months and miles from me

Might be a long road, I want to be known by you


The first to hold my hand

The last to understand

That with every word, I want to be heard by you

How long can such deep desires

Not cause one to at least inquire

There must be something more for me

Can emptiness be made Complete

Can all that's come and gone away

Not point to one most certain thing

When all else scatters with the wind

Is there not One thing at the end

If life reveals one thing

It's found within our need

Need to be lost Just to be found by You

Behind The Song:

So I turned about and gave my heart up to despair over all the toil of my labors under the sun, because sometimes a person who has toiled with wisdom and knowledge and skill must leave everything to be enjoyed by someone who did not toil for it. This also is vanity and a great evil. What has a man from all the toil and striving of heart with which he toils beneath the sun? For all his days are full of sorrow, and his work is a vexation. Even in the night his heart does not rest. This also is vanity.
There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?
— Ecclesiastes 2:20-25
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Probably my most vulnerable song on the record, Lost to Be Found is both reflective and inviting. Reflective of my own life in regards to some of life's greatest longings, that of being loved, seen, known, and heard, while inviting the listener to see their own journey similarly. The bridge quickly leaves my view, for a bird's eye in seeing the deep desires I believe we all have in this life. Our lack leads to longing and it's more of a hint to that which truly satisfies than we often think. However, in order to be found by He Whom our heart and our flesh cry out for, we must first be lost and in need of saving.